Euro Trip : Day 8 & 9 (Prague)

It was Day 8 and it was time to move to our Vogue destination – ‘Prague’. Early morning we packed up, took one last glance at Vienna and drove towards Prague. During our initial planning we decided that a smart way to explore Prague was by taking up a walking tour on the first day…

Euro Trip : Day 6 & 7 (Austria – Vienna )

Having enjoyed the Hallstatt Ice caves, we embarked on our journey to ‘The capital of Austria’ – Vienna. We had planned to have relaxing 2 days in the city of music. As usual, the drive through Austrian countryside was amazing. While it was a sad realization that we were travelling away from the enchanting Alps,…

Euro Trip : Day 5 & 6 (Austria – Hallstatt )

The same evening when we had visited Berchtesgaden – Eagles Nest we started driving to a place which is situated on the edge of Hallstätter See and Dachstein Mountains. It was none other than Austria’s most photographed location: ‘Hallstatt’. I was extremely excited to see this place which is a beautiful UNESCO recognized world heritage…

Euro Trip : Day 5 (Austria – Salzburg & Germany – Berchtesgaden)

Day 5 we woke up in the fourth largest city in Austria: Salzburg. Had a filling breakfast at the buffet in our hotel and headed out to see the world famous ‘Old Town’ known for its baroque architecture. Wake up-travel-sleep-repeat! If only I could do it every day in my life 🙂 Salzburg gets its…

Euro Trip : Day 4 (Germany – Zugspitze)

We packed up and we were on our toes before the sunrise. We were headed to Zugspitze! Since we had to drive through the country roads, it was difficult to predict the exact time we would be reaching there. We had to take a train from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a small but beautiful town which hosted the…

Euro Trip : Day 3 (Germany – Bavaria)

Day 3 it was!!! It was kind of exciting to let my little screams before we started driving towards the place where 1.3 million people visit annually. A place which had made a home in my mind since the time I had read the ‘Cinderella’s Story’; a place which had inspired Walt’s iconic creation. Yes!! It…

Euro Trip : Day 2 (Germany – Munich)

Ridding ourselves of the little jet lag we had and all excited to soak in the classical Munich experience, Day 2 started with a bang! A beautiful little Café nearby fed us a hearty breakfast. Despite it being core Bavaria, I was surprised by the variety of options available for vegetarians everywhere. The first ‘to-do’…

Euro Trip – Day 1 (Germany – Munich)

Those who know me well know that I have always loved to travel. A seed of wanderlust had grown inside me. Finally the Eurotrip was on!!! The flight tickets were booked, places finalized, car reserved, a solid plan of 12 days was drafted and there was no looking back now! Basically, the plan was to…

The Lantern Festival @ Dunnville, Ontario

We had heard about the famous Lights festival of Ontario and always wanted to be a part of it. After it was postponed the first time, it took place on 8th of Sept 2018 at the agricultural grounds of Dunnville. The event was scheduled to begin at 5pm in the evening and end at around…

Montreal – A city with European Vibe – Day 3

Having enjoyed all the best attractions in Montreal for 2 days, we now came to the last few places on our must-visit list: Mount Royal, St. Joseph’s Oratory & The Notre-Dame Basilica. We had decided to Hike to the top of Mount Royal. Mount Royal is said to have formed as a result of volcanic…